
Tag Archives: OW! Here comes my shaolin style

Another summer come and gone, as the end of my summer vacation rears its ugly head once again. It’s beckoning me back to the land of deadlines and grades and judgements that won’t mean anything in a few years’ time, but mean everything until then. I still have two full days in Calgary, but I haven’t packed/done any reading/really accomplished a lot that I said that I would. Well, that’s not completely true. This week, I’ve forced myself to hang out with someone everyday, to make up for my lack of socialization during the summer. Despite being accustomed to isolation, it was a breath of fresh air to exchange dreams and ambitions with the people I grew up with. What I found that I experienced — and many of my friends who are of a similar age — is that I really did not have my life figured out like I thought I did. My summer was not one that I could categorize as ‘fun’, in any sense of the word. But I learned a shitload about myself, and what I have to do to get by in the world. This past month in particular, has seemed so vivid for me. I’m trying to reconcile all of my past admirations into some semblance of a functioning human being, but doing so is probably one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do. To say the least…

I’ve got one final interview to do on Saturday evening with Lucas Silveira of The Cliks, and then I can start pounding out all of my articles. Then it’s back to my training regiment for a few days, then taking more time off so my leg sleeve can heal. Somewhere in there is my 20th birthday, and two possible music projects. And that’s assuming that I don’t get accepted to join OUTline at the University of Guelph — which, in all honesty, seems 50/50. And working on my art. The next month will definitely keep me busy, but that’s how I like it. I think James Bond/Ian Fleming said it best:

“Drinks first. We’ve got all the time in the world to think about love.”